Session 22

G6 Data-Driven Smart Community Design

This session will present the latest interdisciplinary research that couples data analytics with social behavioural studies and participatory design to derive deeper insights on city dwellers’ present needs and future aspirations, thereby enabling the development of targeted spatial and programmatic interventions for diverse communities. Public housing in Singapore has been regarded internationally as a success story – from providing a home for every household, to improving building productivity, and facilitating sustainable living in the recent years. Like many developed cities, Singapore is beginning to face the emerging social challenges of ageing population, shrinking household size, increasingly diverse demography, and widening inequalities. This session will present an innovative data-driven planning process for housing neighbourhood and community design through multi-variable resident profiling together with the new neighbourhood-based Quality of Life framework, which are developed in collaboration with the Singapore government to address these emerging social challenges from the ground up. This session will also showcase a comprehensive set of urban analytics tools, digital platforms and participatory toolkits developed from the research, and how they can facilitate the design and development of community initiatives and placemaking prototypes together with residents, which have been tested in real-life. They will be presented by scholars from diverse yet interconnected disciplines, including community design, urban planning, geography, psychology, sociology, engineering, and data science, who had collaborated in the New Urban Kampung Research Program funded by the Singapore government, in response to the complex challenges of planning for inclusive and resilient communities of tomorrow.