SMUS Thailand 2024 – Sessions & Streams

The “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” together with the Research Committee on “Logic and Methodology in Sociology” (RC33) of the “International Sociology Association” (ISA) and the Research Network “Quantitative Methods” (RN21) of the European Sociology Association” (ESA) will organize a 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (“SMUS Conference”), which will simultaneously be the 4th RC33 Regional Conference Asia: Thailand, and take place on site at the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) from Tuesday, July 23rd, to Monday, July 29th, 2024.

The seven-day conference aims at continuing a global dialogue on methods and should attract methodologists from all over the world and all social and spatial sciences (e. g. anthropology, area studies, architecture, communication studies, computational sciences, digital humanities, educational sciences, geography, historical sciences, humanities, landscape planning, philosophy, psychology, sociology, urban design, urban planning, traffic planning and environmental planning). The conference programme will include keynotes, sessions and advanced methodological training courses.

At the moment, there are 58 confirmed sessions which are upon now organized into 13 streams. The final sessions and streams will still fall under decision and will be announced until the end of the year.

Stream A: Decolonizing Methodology

A1 Decolonizing Methodology of Social Science: From Post-Colonial Theory to Decolonial Knowledge

A2 Beyond the Discourse: Dynamics, Intricacies and Challenges of Knowledge Decolonization in the Global South

A3 Decolonizing Social Science Methodology and the Global South – Methods from, by and/or for the Global South

A4 Towards Decolonial Reflexivity: A Dialogic Approach Towards Decolonizing Social Science Methodology


Stream B: Researchers’ Positionality and Research Ethics

B1 Key Ethical Principles in Protecting Research Subjects: Accommodating Research Ethics from Global South

B2 In the Field – Experiences in Conducting Research in the Global South

B3 Social Inequality in Field Work – Handling Reseachers’ Positionality in Research

B4 Who and How Should we Include in Methodological Tools? Towards the Integration of Stakeholders and Different Approaches for Spatial Knowledge Construction


Stream C: The Longue Durée and Transformation-Oriented Methods

C1 Methodologies for the Investigation of Spatial Transformation Processes

C2 The Longue Durée in the 21st-Century Social Sciences: Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Long-Term Social Processes

C3 Cities and Communities: Unpacking the Contested Urban in South Asia

C4 Mapping the Socio-Spatial Transformation of Public Space


Stream D: Comparison and Cross-Cultural Methods

D1 Overcoming Methodological Nationalism

D2 Cross-Cultural Methods, Transnational Research and Issues of Comparability

D3 Language and Social Research

D4 Comparative Urbanism and Qualitative Social Research

D5 Diverse Geographies, (Dis)similar Empirics: Exploring Climate Risks and Resilience in Urban Deltas Using ‘Comparative Urbanism’ Approach


Stream E: Ethnography and Cultural-Based Methodology

E1 Knowledge Cultures and Qualitative Methods

E2 How International is Interpretive Social Research?

E3 Multi-Method Approaches in Interpretive Empirical Research on Relations between Established and Outsider Groupings

E4 Urban Ethnography – Practical Experiences, Lessons and Challenges of the Research Method

E5 Ethnography as Spatial-Temporal Method for Research on Urban Public Space


Stream F: Mapping, Visuality and Spatial Method

F1 Critical Mapping and Comtemporary Visual Cultures

F2 Coping with Iconic Architecture in the Global South: Methodological Dilemmas and Opportunities

F3 Mapping, Social Mapping, Participatory Methods, Spatial Research, Planning


Stream G: Quantitative Methods and Digital Methods

G1 Methodological Challenges in Spatial Method: A Quantitative Approach

G3 Embracing Diversity in Empirical Research: Insights from Culturally Sensitive Approaches

G4 Digitalization and Digital Transformation: Methodological Approaches, Dilemmas and Prospects

G5 Datafication of Asian Cities:  Seeing the City with Algorithms

G6 Data-Driven Smart Community Design

G7 Understanding Influencers of Fast Urbanization using Non-survey Data


Stream H: Mobility and Spatial Methods

H1 (Re-)Thinking Methods for Migration Research

H2 Urban Mobility Studies: Methodological Enquiry from Social Science and Human-Centric Approaches

H3 Comparative Study about ‘Leaving’ and ‘Living’: Housing and Young People in Asia

H4 Applying Spatial Methods in Homelessness Studies: Methodological and Ethical Challenges


Stream I: Affect and Assemblage in Spatial Methods

I1 Decoding the City: Entanglements of the Material and Affective

I2 Urban Assemblage: Interrogating Transdisciplinary Methodological Approaches to Researching the City Environments

I3 Experimenting with Methods for Entangled Areas and Critical Zones


Stream J: Well-Being, Health and Spatial Methods

J1 Well-Being in Socio-Spatial Contexts – Participatory Research Methods and Tools

J2 Spatial Methods in Healthcare Research

J3 A Mixed Method Approach to The Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases in The Work Environment

J4 Global Methods for the Study of Housing Affordability and Urban Health?

J5 Design Methods for Accessibility and Social Inclusion


Stream K: Gender in Spatial Methods

K1 Engendering Urban Governance and Planning in the Global South: Methodological Issues and Challenges

K2 Feminist Participatory Methods for Gender-Inclusive Urban Planning and Design

K3 Between Precarity and Formality: Interrogating the Gendered Spaces of Informality in the Global South

K4 Implementing Gender Sensitive Research Methods


Stream L: Transdisciplinary Approaches and Spatial Methods for Policy, Planning, and Governance

L2 Methodological Challenges, Overlaps, and Misunderstandings between Planning and the Social Sciences

L3 Historical and Contextual Uses of Planning and their Methods

L4 Mixed Methods Use in Conservation Outcomes and Local Governance Assessment in Sustainable Forest Management

L5 Sustainability and Resilience of Cities

L6 Teaching Spatial Methods and Urban Sustainability in Different Contexts


Stream M: Methods for Special Issues

M1 Methods for Analyzing the Economy: Rural-Urban-Relations, Spatial Transformations and the Economy

M2 Methods in Food Studies Research

M3 Methods in Deviance Research

M4 Methods for Studying Religions and Religious/Sacred Spaces