Session 28

J1 & J5 Design Methods Across Socio-Spatial Contexts: Well-being, Participation, Accessibility, and Social Inclusion

This session converges on the nexus of design methods within socio-spatial contexts, weaving together the threads of well-being, participation, accessibility, and social inclusion. Recognizing the intrinsic linkages between our built environments and quality of life, this session aims to explore innovative approaches that enhance human flourishing and foster inclusive urban futures.

Within the realm of participatory research, this session would like to address the multifaceted dimensions of well-being, acknowledging its material and non-material manifestations within buildings, neighborhoods, and cities. By integrating insights from diverse disciplines, including architecture, urban planning, social sciences, and healthcare, the session aims to transcend conventional paradigms and embrace holistic strategies that nurture health-supporting behaviors and promote societal wellness.

Simultaneously, this session invites discourse on accessibility, where we confront the imperative of designing urban environments that are inclusive and equitable for all. From universal design principles to tailored methodologies for diverse populations, we seek to elucidate pathways for creating environments that empower individuals with disabilities, children, the elderly, and marginalized communities.

Amidst this exploration, the notion of social inclusion emerges as a guiding principle, emphasizing the importance of fostering environments that are welcoming, supportive, and reflective of diverse identities and experiences. By interrogating the intersections of age, ability, gender, and economic paradigms, this session endeavours to dismantle barriers and cultivate enabling environments that facilitate belonging and participation.

Through this interdisciplinary dialogue, we invite scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to contribute insights, methodologies, and case studies that illuminate the synergies between design methods and societal well-being. Whether through the lens of child-friendly urbanism, gender-inclusive public spaces, or cross-cultural accessibility research, we aspire to co-create actionable knowledge that propels us towards more inclusive, resilient, and thriving urban futures.