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SMUS Conferences

One of the center’s key goals is to create a global network of discourse on social science methodology that integrates scholars from the Global South and the Global North. In pursuit of this goal, a series of international conferences and workshops will be developed and held in the Global South.

The 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference) and “1st RC33 Regional Conference – Africa: Botswana” in cooperation with ESA’s RN21 – Quantitative Methods network was held online from 23rd – 25th September 2021. The conference was hosted by the Department of Sociology at the University of Botswana. Please visit SMUS Botswana or click here to access the outcome reports.

The 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference) and the “1st RC33 Regional Conference Latin America: Brazil” will be hosted online by the University of São Paulo, Brazil, from 8th – 10th September 2022. Please visit SMUS Brazil to find out more about the conference.

The 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference) and the “3rd RC33 Regional Conference Asia: India” will take place in person at the Indian Institute for Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee, India) from 20th – 26th February 2023. Please visit SMUS India to find out more about the conference.