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MOOC Colombia Progress Report

To give an insight into the current status of our upcoming MOOC , we are pleased to share the latest Progress Report from the Columbia Team. This MOOC focuses on the integration of ethnic and environmental inclusion in Colombia’s Planning Policy. The investigation area is located in one of the most biodiverse and precipitation-rich regions of the world: The Chocó region.

The project tries to deconstruct Eurocentric planning concepts and instead establish a “Neighbourhood” like model in which the interests of the National Park (Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá), the Afrocolombian community (Community Council of Alt San Juan ASOCASAN) and the Pacific Environmental Research Institute (IIAP) are equally taken into account.

The Objectives of the MOOC include:

  • Sharing the inter-institutional and community process of harmonization between ethnic and environmental planning instruments
  • To propose a socio-environmental and intercultural methodological design for joint work between environmental authorities, academics and ethnic communities
  • Socializing progress, challenges and proposals for the effective integration of natural and cultural diversity in public policies for land use planning. Leading towards achievements of equity, social inclusion and conservation of natural ressources and cultural heritages

Sparked by the scope and the interdisciplinary approach of the MOOC, SMUS Student Assistant Samuel Thomsen is currently conducting an internship towards writing his graduation thesis with MOOC Lead Partner Gisela Paredes Leguizamón. An aim of this collaboration is to strengthen interinstitutional exchange, having access and learning from academic in-situ perspectives, as well as to generate outputs from which the SMUS network can benefit due to its interconnectivity.


Download the report here: