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Child-Friendly Cities

PERU, Lima

Urban Landscapes of Care: Thinking and Designing Child-Friendly Cities

Peru, Lima

Intuylab In collaboration with: Bernard van Leer Foundation and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Faculty of Design

This MOOC addresses the lack of safe, inclusive, and stimulating public spaces for children in Latin American (and beyond) urban contexts. Participants of this MOOC will explore, analyse and propose initiatives and strategies within their own urban context that focus on early childhood development and the question of how the city can become an “urban landscape of care”.

SDG #11 Target:

MOOC Open Access

Hosting Platform: Coursera Global
Access the course here

Lead Partners

Hannah Klug

Architecture, Urban Planning
Walter Juan Pablo Soto

Walter Juan Pablo Soto


José Cepero



Abel Castelo
Diego Myasato
Kiara Wong
Lesly Jiménez