
Talita Ines Heleodoro

  • Role in Center:

    Junior Researcher

  • Discipline:

    Architecture and Urban Planning

  • University:

    University of São Paulo (USP)

  • Country:


Biography: Architect and Urban Planner graduated at the University of São Paulo, where she completed a master’s program in Urban Design and City History. In her master’s thesis she explored the role that street shapes represented to the city and urban life through urban history. She was a researcher at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism and member of URBIS – City History, Architecture and Landscape Research Group from 2015 to 2018. Since 2017, she is a member of YBY – Group for Land Studies, Urban Policies, Production of Space and Landscape.

Research Topic: The Experience of Urban Open Spaces to Landscape and Urban Planning.

Selected Publications:

  • Heleodoro, T. I. (2018): Formas de ruas: experiências físicas e significados sociais. São Carlos: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Universidade de São Paulo.

  • Heleodoro, T. I. (2015): ‘A rua como espaço livre público’, Anais do X Colóquio QUAPÀ: produção e apropriação dos espaços livres e da forma urbana, Brasília.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Urban Open Spaces
  • Landscape and Urban Design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Production of Space

Prizes & Awards:

  • CAPES Scholarship at University of São Paulo (USP) (2016)

Memberships & Networks:

  • YBY – Grupo de Estudos Fundiários, Políticas Urbanas, Produção do Espaço e da Paisagem (Group for Land Studies, Urban Policies, Production of Space and Landscape)