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Samaneh Niazkhani

  • Role in Center:

    Alumni - Doctoral Fellow

  • Discipline:

    Urban and Regional Planning

  • University:

    University of Tehran

  • Country:


Biography: Samaneh Niazkhani was born on August 29th 1987, in Tehran, Iran. She received her BSc degree in electrical engineering but later changed her field of interest to urban and regional planning due to her concerns about socio-economic issues and their impact on land, reflected through her master’s degree in regional development planning from Allameh Tabatabai University. After her master’s degree, she continued working in this field, in which she is currently pursuing a PhD as a student at Tehran University. In this period of time, she has cooperated with the Plan & Budget Organisation (PBO) as a planning and budgeting expert and main collaborator, and applies her knowledge regularly in her work. She has passed 18 units so far and now wants to develop her PhD thesis proposal to accommodate her knowledge and career experience. Furthermore, she has cooperated with UNESCO in completing the annual questionnaires of education expenditure and change in ISCED in Iran between 2015 and 2017.

Research Topic: Sustainable Settlements Achievement Framework through the Spatial Inequalities Reduction in Less Developed Regions

Selected Publications:

Areas of Expertise:

  • Sustainable Development in Regional and Spatial Planning
  • Education (Basic, Technical & Vocational and Higher) and Community-based Empowerment in Urban and Regional Planning
  • Modelling (Quantitative and Qualitative) in Urban and Regional Planning

Current Position(s):

  • Since 2021: SMUS Doctoral Student, University of Tehran, Iran

Past Position(s)

  • 2020–2021: Instructor, Quantitative Models in Urban and Regional Planning, Noor Toobi Higher Education Institute, Iran
  • 2014–2021: Expert of Educational Planning and Budgeting, Management and Planning Organization, Iran

Prizes & Awards:

  • 2021–2024: Three year DAAD-funded Research Scholarship from the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS)
  • September 2020–February 2021: Six month Research Stay at the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS) at the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany as part of the GCSMUS Action 3, Step 1 “Developing a Ph.D. proposal”
  • June 2016: Invitation to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) Regional Workshop on Education Finance for South and West Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 2012: Best Student in Regional Development Planning, Allameh Tabataba’I University, Iran

Memberships & Networks:

  • Since 2020: Member of Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS) Network
  • 2015–2017, Collaborating partner for UNESCO in completing the annual questionnaires of education expenditure and change in ISCED in Iran