
Prof. Hubert Knoblauch

  • Role in Center:

    Alumni - Network Partner

  • Discipline:


  • University:

    Technische Universität Berlin

  • Country:


Biography: Hubert Knoblauch is a Professor of General Sociology at Technische Universität Berlin  (TU Berlin). He studied sociology, philosophy and history at the University of Konstanz (1978 -1984) and anthropology and linguistics at the University of Sussex (1980-1981). Prior to this position, he held a Professorship in the Sociology of Religion at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Professor Knoblauch’s research areas are broad and range from religious movements to near-death experiences. He is also interested in the societal role of knowledge and the empirical study and theory of communication, which he does by looking at scientific communication methods. These include video graphic methods and the digital archiving of audiovisual data. He is the current Vice Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center “Re-Figuration of Spaces” (SFB 1265) and Speaker for the Research Network “Social Theory” in the European Sociological Association. 


Selected Publications:

  • Knoblauch, H. (2020): The Communicative Construction of Reality. London/ New York: Routledge.

  • Knoblauch, H./Löw, M. (2020): The Re-Figuration of Spaces and Refigured Modernity – Concept and Diagnosis. Historical Social Research 45 (2): 263-292. doi: 10.12759/hsr.45.2020.2.263-292.

  • Knoblauch, H./Löw, M. (2020) Dancing in Quarantine: The Spatial Refiguration of Society and the Interaction Orders August 2020. Space and Culture 23(3):221-225. DOI: 10.1177/1206331220938627

  • Knoblauch, H. (2019): The communicative turn in German Sociology of Knowledge, in: Society Register 3,1 DOI:

  • Knoblauch, H./Schnettler, B./Tuma, R. (2018): Videography, in: Uwe Flick (Hg.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection. Los Angeles: Sage. 362-378.

  • Knoblauch, H./Pfadenhauer, M. (2018): Social Constructivism as Paradigm? The Legacy of the Social Construction of Reality. London: Routledge.

  • Knoblauch, H./Hutter, M./Rammert, W./Windeler, A. (2018): Innovation Society Today. Perspectives, Fields and Cases. Springer VS.

  • Knoblauch, H./Tuma, R./ Schnettler, B. (2014): Videography. Introduction to Interpretive Videoanalysis of Social Situations. Frankfurt/Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien.

  • Knoblauch, H./Steets, S. (2018): Sacred Canopies and Invisible Religions: The Dialectical Construction of Religion in Berger and Luckmann, in: Titus Hjelm (Hg.): Peter L. Berger and the Sociology of Religion. London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 85-102.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Sociological Theory
  • Sociology of Knowledge
  • Sociology of Communication and Language
  • Sociology of Religion and Communication
  • Qualitative Methods, particularly Videography

Current Position(s):

  • Professor for General Sociology at the Technical University of Berlin (W 3)

Past Position(s)

  • Professor for Sociology of Religion at the University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • 1999 Heisenberg-Scholarship
  • 1998 Guest professor at the University of Vienna
  • Senior Research Fellow, King’s College,  London (1998) and University of Nottingham (1997)

Prizes & Awards:

  • 1996 Christa Hoffmann-Riem-Award for Qualitative Research (10.000 DM)

Memberships & Networks:

  • Since 2019 Speaker of the German Information Service Sociology (FID)  
  • Since 2019 Speaker Research-Network “Social Theory”, European Sociological Association
  • Since  2018 Elected Member on the Board of the German Sociological Association
  • Since 2018 Co-Speaker of the Concerted Research Consortium (SFB) „Re-Figuration of Space“ at the TU Berlin (in cooperation with Humboldt and Free University (German Science Foundation/ DFG)