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Assoc. Prof. Fabrizio Martire

  • Role in Center:

    Network Partner

  • Discipline:


  • University:

    Università di Roma La Sapienza

  • Country:


Biography: Prof. Fabrizio Martire is an Associate Professor of Sociology. His main scientific interests include sociological theory, history of sociology and social research, the methodology of social researchers (with a specific focus on data collection strategies and techniques), public opinion analysis, and evaluation (focusing on the quality of social research outputs). He has designed and managed various scientific projects on these issues and is the author or editor of almost 70 publications in Italian and international journals.
He has given lectures at several conferences and given seminars at foreign universities in Spain, the Republic of Korea, Chile and Colombia. His main institutional activities are as a member of the Advisory Board of the Research Network – Quantitative Methods (RN21) of the European Sociological Association. since 2019. From 2015 to 2018, he was the Secretary of the Section of Methodology of the Italian Sociological Association.

Selected Publications:

  • Fasanella, A./Martire, F. (eds., 2020): Valutazione della ricerca e ricerca sulla valutazione. Milano: Angeli.

  • Martire, F./Biolcati, F. (2018): La survey tra crisi e innovazione. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, vol.116, 8-19.

  • Martire, F./Pitrone, M. C. (2018): L’integrazione tra le scienze sociali e le scienze biologiche nelle biosocial surveys. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, vol.116, 61-74.

  • Martire, F. (2017): Self-fulfilling Prophecy. In: Encyclopedia of Social Theory. New York: Wiley.

  • Martire, F. (2017): Scales and scaling. In: Encyclopedia of Social Theory. New York: Wiley.

  • Martire, F./Liani, S. (2017): Pretest. Un approccio cognitivo. Milano: Angeli.

  • Martire, F./Pitrone M. C. (2016): Lo studio dell’opinione pubblica al tempo dei big data. Una sfida per la ricerca sociale. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, vol.109, 102-115.

  • Martire, F. (2015): La non-fungibilidad de los objetos de las ciencias sociales: consecuencias epistemológicas y metodológicas. In: Marradi, A. Las Ciencias Sociales ¿seguirán imitando a las Ciencias Duras? Un Simposio a Distancia, 171-175. Buenos Aires: Antigua

  • Faccioli, F./Fabrizio, S./Fazzi, G./Marconi, F./Martire, F. (2013): Just For Fun? Alcohol and Drugs in Youth Lifestyles: a Survey. Revue Internationale De Sociologie, vol. 23, 622-646.

  • Martire, F. (2009): La sociologia di Merton: indeterminatezza dell’azione e delle strutture. Quaderni Di Sociologia, vol. 53, 95-120.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Sociological Theory
  • History of Sociology and Social Research
  • The methodology of Social Research
  • Public Opinion Analysis
  • Evaluation

Current Position(s):

  • Associate Professor of Sociology

Memberships & Networks:

  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Research Network – Quantitative Methods (RN21) of the European Sociological Association
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Editorial Series “Methodology of Human Sciences”, official series of the Section of methodology of the Italian Sociological Association
  • Member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in “Communication, social research and marketing”, Department of Communication and Social research, “Sapienza” University of Rome
  • Secretary of the Section of Methodology of the Italian Sociological Association (until 2018)