
Prof. Dr. Martin Weichbold

  • Discipline:


  • University:

    University of Salzburg

  • Country:


Martin Weichbold is an associate professor of sociology and empirical social research at the University of Salzburg, Austria. He studied sociology, political science and psychology and focused on computer-based methods of data collection, conditions and limits of cross-cultural research and data quality. From 2017 to 2019, he was President of the Austrian Sociological Association. Currently, he is Vice Rector of Academic Affairs at the University of Salzburg and General Secretary of RC 33 (Research Committee 33: Logic and Methodology of Sociology) of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Selected Publications:

  • • M. Weichbold/A. Seymer/T. Herdin/W. Aschauer (2020): Potential and limits of automated classifica-tion of Big Data. In: Historical Social Research (HSR), Themenheft Challenges for Big Data Analysis. Data Quality and Data Analysis of Analogous and Digital Mass Data, Hg. v. L. Braunisch, M. Schweia, P. Graeff und N. Baur. 45 (3): 288-313; DOI:
    • P. Kutschar/M. Weichbold (2019): Interviewing Elderly in Nursing Homes. Respondent and Survey Characteristics as Predictors of Item Nonresponse. In: Survey Methods. Insights from the Field. Special Issue Probability and Nonprobability Sampling: Sampling of hard-to-reach survey popu-lations, ed. by J. Bacher, J. Lemcke, A. Quatember & P. Schmich.
    • D. Prandner/M. Weichbold (2019): Building a Sampling Frame for Migrant Populations via an Onomastic Approach – Lessons learned from the Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016. In: Survey Methods. Insights from the Field. Special Issue Probability and Nonprobability Sampling: Sampling of hard-to-reach survey populations, ed. by J. Bacher, J. Lemcke, A. Quatember & P. Schmich.
    • P. Kutschar/M. Weichbold/J. Osterbrink (2019): Effects of Age and Cognitive Function on Data Quality of Standardized Surveys in Nursing Home Populations. In: BMC Geriatrics 19:244
    • K. Grebosz-Haring/M. Weichbold (2018): Contemporary Art Music and Its Audiences: Age, Gender, and Social Class Profile. In: Musicae Scientiae
    • A. Seymer/M. Weichbold (2018): Social Inequalities and the Effects of Incentives on Web Survey Partic-ipation: A Recruitment Experiment. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 47/2 , S. 5-20.
    • W. Aschauer/M. Weichbold/M. Foidl/A. Drecoll (2017): Obersalzberg as a realm of experience on the quality of visitors experiences at National Socialist places of remembrance. In: Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 9/2, S. 158-174

Areas of Expertise:

• Empirical Social Research
• Cross-Cultural Research
• Data Quality

Current Position(s):

• Associate Professor of Sociology and Empirical Social Research
• Vice Rector of Academic Affairs
• General Secretary of ISA RC33

Past Position(s)

• Head of Department; Dean
• President of the Austrian Sociological Association

Memberships & Networks:

• International Sociological Association (ISA) – General Secretary of Research Committee 33: Logic and Methodology of Sociology
• Austrian Sociological Association – President (2017-2019)