
Prof. Dr. Jorge Peña Díaz

  • Role in Center:

    Network Partner

  • Discipline:

    Urban Studies

  • University:

    Technological University of Havana

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Prof. Dr. Jorge Peña Díaz leads the Urban Research and Action Group at the Technological University of Havana, where he has taught and researched since 1995. His research projects, distinguished by their trans-disciplinary approach, are focused on the integration of sustainability-oriented concepts into planning and urban design strategies, covering topics such as urban food systems, mobility, and urban heritage conservation. He has studied in Havana and Stockholm . His academic work has evolved due to intensive exchange with a wide international network. Furthermore, his work has reached the international stage; delivering lectures at universities such as Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, ETH-Zürich, UCL, University of Toronto; Scola da Cidade, Sao Paulo; and AnantU, India. He has collaborated on international research projects and planning processes and practices, both in Cuba and in Europe. He led the Centre for Urban Studies of Havana and previously served as the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture  (2006 – 2012).

Selected Publications:

  • • Peña Díaz, Jorge et al Urban Agriculture in a Global Perspective in Lohrberg, Frank et al Urban Agriculture in Europe, Berlin, 2015. JOVIS. ISBN 978-3-86859-371-6
    • Peña Díaz, Jorge. Cuba’s Urban Landscape Needs a Second Round of Innovation for Health. Journal MEDICC, Cuba´s Global Health Cooperation Issue, U.S.A. 2015
    • Peña Díaz, Jorge and Joiselen Cazanave Macías. Havana: urban configurations and heritage conservation. In proceedings of the XII International Forum Le vie dei Mercanti, Best practice in Heritage conservation and management, indexed in the ISI Web of Science, Aversa and Capri, 12-14 June 2014
    • Levy, Caren; Cociña, Camila, Peña Díaz Jorge, et al, International Engagement Brief #1: Partnerships for Urban Equality. Published by Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality
    • Peña Díaz Jorge, et al, Global Conversation “Partnerships for Urban Equality”. UCLG Congress World Summit of of Local and Regional Leaders. 11-15 November. 2019. Durban. South Africa
    • Peña Díaz Jorge. “The capability approach: The University as a catalyser of urban transformation”, Human Development and Capability Association Conference; London. September 2019
    • Peña Díaz Jorge et al, “Urban Agriculture and Heritage Conference”, Hannover, 2019.
    • Guitart, Lourdes; Rodríguez, Miriam; Cazanave Macías, Joiselen; Gómez, Ángela; Peña Díaz, Jorge; Menéndez, Dayamí, y Caballeros, Claudia. Programa de transformación integral “Mi sitio en Los Sitios” en Núñez Jovet, Jorge y Pérez Sánchez, América (Coords.)Desarrollo local y educación superior: Experiencias desde la Universidad de La Habana. Editorial Universidad de La Habana, La Habana, 2018. ISBN 978-959-7251-27-9. Pags. 145 –166
    • Cristina COSCIA, Rocco CURTO, Valeria GADALETA, Jorge PEÑA DÍAZ, Diana ROLANDO. Enjoyment of the Cuban Contemporary Architectural Heritage: an innovative cultural visitor route to connect the UNESCO site of Old Havana to the National Schools of Art Abitare la terra/ Dwelling on Earth. Revista de Geoarchitettura, 2018. Vol. 12. No. 11, pag. 102-105. ISSN 1592-8608
    • Peña Díaz, Jorge and Susan Fitzgerald. Book Review Sowing Change. The making of Havana´s Urban Agriculture, IJURR. 2015.vol. 39.6

Areas of Expertise:

• Planning
• Urban Analysis
• Urban Landscape Strategies
• Urban Food System Integration into Planning Strategies
• Urban Heritage and Planning

Current Position(s):

• Professor at the Technological University of Havana
• Head of Research Group INVacURB
• Coordinator of Postgraduate Master’s Program on Planning

Past Position(s)

• Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
• Vice Dean for Research at Faculty of Architecture, Technological University of Havana
• Head of the Centre for Urban Studies

Prizes & Awards:

KNOW research project UKRI, UK
• UKRI GCRF Gridding Equitable Urban Futures in Areas of Transition (GREAT) in Cali, Colombia and Havana, Cuba, with University of Lancaster
• Award for the best contribution to the Social Sciences 2008 by the Minsitry of Higher Education, Cuba
Avina Foundation Grant for collaboration with ETH Zürich research project Atlas Urbano de La Habana
• Gambrinus Dortmunder Fellowship; Dortmund

Memberships & Networks:

• National Commission on Culture and City, National Association of Writers and Artists
• National Architectural for Architecture Curricula Development, Cuba
• Technical Committee for Urban Normative, Cuba
• International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA)
• Cities Alliance
• Habitat International Coalition (HIC)