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Prof. Dr. Fouad Amraoui

  • Role in Center:

    Network Partner

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  • University:

    Hassan II University

  • Country:


Biography: Fouad AMRAOUI, is a professor of Hydrogeology at the Faculty of Sciences at Hassan II University in Casablanca. He completed his graduate studies in Montpellier in France, where he defended a doctoral thesis of the 3rd cycle in 1988, then prepared and defended a doctoral thesis in Casablanca  in 2005. In his role at Hassan II University, he is a member of the Research Laboratory “Geosciences Applied to Planning Engineering: GAIA.” His research focuses on: groundwater resources in coastal areas, mountain areas and karst; management and adaptation to climate change; urban agriculture as an integrative factor in urban planning; Eco-Hammam and a number of environmental topics.


Selected Publications:

    • Giseke U., Gerster-Bentaya M., Helten F., Kraume M., Scherer D., Spars G., Adidi A., Amraoui F., Berdouz S., Chlaida M., Mansour M., Mdafai M. 2015. Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions. Connecting Urban-Rural Spheres in Casablanca. Ouvrage Routledge, ISBN-10 : 0415825016, ISBN-13 : 978-0415825016, 570 pages.
    • Tahiri A., Amraoui F., Sinan M. 2020. Remote sensing, GIS, and Fieldwork Studies to assess and valorize groundwater resources in the springs area of oum-Er-rabiaa (moroccan Middle Atlas). Revue Groundwater for Sustainable Development 11 (2020) 100440
    • Benjmel K., Amraoui F., Boutaleb S., Ouchchen M., Tahiri A., Touab A. 2020. Mapping of Groundwater Potential Zones in Crystalline Terrain Using Remote Sensing, GIS Techniques, and Multicriteria Data Analysis (Case of the Ighrem Region, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Revue Water Volume 12. Indexation Scopus, ISI WOS. ISSN : 2073-4441
    • Alabjah B., Amraoui F., Chibout M., Slimani M. 2018. Assessment of saltwater contamination extent in the coastal aquifers of Chaouia (Morocco) using the electric recognition. Journal of Hydrology. Vol 566, Pages 363-376. Index. Science direct/Elsevier
    • Mouchrif A., Amraoui F. 2018. Cereal Yields Forecasting using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques : A Case Study of Ouled Saleh Commune, Region of Casablanca-Settat, Morocco. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (IJIAS). Volume 24, Issue 3, Oct 2018, Pages 1010–1019
    • Saidi A., Masmoudi K., Nolde E., El Amrani B. and Amraoui F. 2017. Organic matter degradation in a greywater recycling system using a multistage moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). Water Science & Technology 76 (12) (2017)
    • Amraoui F. 2017. Utilité du monitoring des forages d’exploitation d’eau pour la rationalisation de l’irrigation agricole au Maroc. Revue Géologues (SGF). Thème : Le Maroc, paradis des géologues.
    • Amraoui F., Razack M., Bouchaou L. 2005. Impact of a long drought period on a large carbonate aquifer. The liasic aquifer of the Saïs plain and Middle Atlas plateau (Morocco). 7e Assemblée scientifique de l’AIHS (Brésil). Symposium S6. Publication dans la série Redbook 296, pp. 184-193
    • Amraoui F., Razack M., Bouchaou L. 2004. Comportement d’une source karstique soumise à une sécheresse prolongée. Exemple de la source Bittit. Comptes rendus Geoscience. Volume 336, Issue 12, pp. 1099-1109
    • Amraoui F., Razack M., Bouchaou L. 2003. Turbidity dynamics in karstic systems. Example of Ribaa and Bittit springs in the Middle Atlas (Morocco). Hydrological Sci. Journal (HSJ), Vol. 48, number 6, pp. 971-984

Areas of Expertise:

  • Hydrogeology
  • Urban Agriculture
  • Environmental Education and Training
  • Environmental Impact Studies
  • Protection Study of Catchments and Groundwater

Current Position(s):

  • Since 1990: Professor of Hydrogeology at the Department of Geology at the Faculty of Sciences of Casablanca
  • Since 2009: President of the ARADD Association
  • Since 2015: Head of the Hydrosciences Research Team at the GAIA Research Laboratory

Past Position(s)

  • 1986-2020: Several hydrogeological studies for state bodies, for design offices and for individuals
  • 2008-2014: Moroccan Scientific Coordinator of the Moroccan-German Research-Action Project on Urban Agriculture in Casablanca. Project on the megacities of tomorrow funded by the BMBF
  • 2010-2015: Director of the Research Laboratory for Geosciences Applied to Planning Engineering (GAIA)

Prizes & Awards:

  • Hassan II Prize for the Environment 2018 for the educational garden of urban agriculture at the Mediouna wastewater treatment plant

Memberships & Networks:

• Since 2016: Member of the Casablanca-Settat Regional Office of the Moroccan Alliance for Climate and Sustainable Development (AMCDD)
• Since 1994: Founding member of the Moroccan Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (CM-AIH)

• Moroccan Alliance for Climate and Sustainable Development (AMCDD)
• International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)