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Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Martin Stollmann

  • Role in Center:

    Network Partner

  • Discipline:

    Urban Design

  • University:

    Technische Universität Berlin

  • Country:


Biography: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Stollmann is Professor for Urban Design and Urbanization at the Institute for Architecture, TU Berlin. The chair’s work focuses on collaborative and cooperative design processes, mediatization of planning, and inclusive and climate responsive urban development. Research projects include Med Plan. Mediatization Processes in Urban Planning, and SFB/CRC 1265 Re-Figuration of Spaces. Most recent publications: Wohnhaft im Verborgenen. Die Hostelwirtschaft mit Wohnungslosen in Berlin (2020), Tiergarten. Landscape of Transgression (2019), Das Kotti Prinzip (2018), and Spatial Commons. Urban Open Spaces as a Resource (2017). He taught at the ETH Zurich in the MAS Landscape Architecture program and directed the ETH MAS Urban Design program. Jörg Stollmann graduated from UdK Berlin and Princeton University. He has taught at ETH Zurich, UdK Berlin. Jörg Stollmann was a fellow of the German Academy in Rome, DAAD, the Van Alen Institute New York, and Graham Foundation Chicago.

Selected Publications:

  • Christmann, G./Bernhardt, C./Stollmann, J. (eds.) (2020): Visual Communication in Urban Design and Planning: The Impact of Mediatisation(s) on the Construction of Urban Futures. Urban Planning, Vol. 5 (3). Lisbon: Cogitation Press.

  • Kelling, E./Pelger, D./Löw, M./Stollmann, J. (eds.) (2020): Wohnhaft in Verborgenen. Die Hostelwirtschaft mit Wohnungslosen. Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.

  • Bretfeld, N./Heilgmeir, A./Pelger, D./Stollmann, J.(eds.) (2020): Spatial Commons. Nachbarschaft als sozialräumliches Gemeingut. Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berli.

  • Bartoli, S./Stollmann, J. (eds.) (2019): Tiergarten, Landscape of Transgression. This Obscure Object of Desire. Zurich: Park Books.

  • Bock, C./Pappenberger, U./Stollmann, J. (eds.) (2018): Das Kotti-Prinzip. Komplizenschaft zwischen Raum, Mensch, Zeit, Wissen und Dingen. Berlin: Ruby Press.

  • Pelger, D./Kaspar, A./Stollmann, J. (eds.) (2017): Spatial Commons. Urban Open Spaces as Ressource. Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.

  • Hendawy, M./Stollmann, J. (2020): The Entanglement of Class, Marriage and Real Estate. The Visual Culture of Egypt’s Urbanization. Urban Planning, Vol. 5 (3). Lisbon: Cogitation Press.

  • Stollmann, J. (2019): In Campo Aperto. Urban Encounters in the Open Field. In: Bartoli, S./Stollmann, J. (eds.): Tiergarten, Landscape of Transgression. This Obscure Object of Desire. Zurich: Park Books, 134-145.

  • Löw, M./Stollmann, J. (2018): Urbanität in Smart-City-Entwürfen und Stadtvisionen? Moderne Stadtentwicklung zwischen Songdo und Limerick. In: Gestring, N./Wehrheim, J. (Hg.): Urbanität im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Campus, 336–343.

  • Stollmann, J. (2016): Neighbourhood resilience in mass housing: co-production via research-by-design. In: Building Research & Information, 44(7), 737-753.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Collaborative and cooperative Design Processes
  • Mediatisation of Planning and Design
  • Inclusive and Climate Responsive Urban Development
  • Urbanised Landscapes

Current Position(s):

  • Professor, Urban Design and Urbanization, Technische Universität Berlin

Prizes & Awards:

  • Smart Cities: Everyday Life in Digitalized Spaces, Research Project as part of the Collaborative Research Center CRC/SFB 1265 Re-Figuration of Spaces (DFG)
  • MedPlan: Mediatisation processes in urban planning and changes in the public sphere, Research Project, Leibniz Gemeinschaft
  • 2020: Keeping it Modern, Research Grant, Getty Foundation
  • Fellowship, Casa Baldi, German Academy in Rome
  • Fellowship, Van Alen Institute New York