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Prof. Adriana García-Andrade

  • Role in Center:

    Network Partner

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  • University:

    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

  • Country:


Biography: Prof. Adriana García-Andrade is a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico. She has a PhD in Philosophy of Science and specialises in philosophy and sociology of science, sociology of love, and more recently, on the relationship between affective neurosciences and the sociology of emotions. She is involved with the National System of Researchers (SNI) in Mexico, funded by the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT), Level 2. She currently represents Mexico as Vice-President for the research committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33) of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Her recent publications include reflections on sociological theories’ epistemological conditions, love in the social sciences as a global phenomenon, and a sociological problem. She is currently interested in how emotional perception is socially embodied, using theoretical and methodological tools from the sociology of emotions and affective neuroscience.

Selected Publications:

  • García Andrade, A. (2020): Percepción emocional: sociología y neurociencia afectiva” (Emotional perception: sociology and affective neuroscience). In: Revista Mexicana de Sociología. No. 4, octubre-diciembre.

  • García Andrade, A. (2019): Neurociencia de las emociones: la sociedad vista desde el individuo. Una aproximación a la vinculación sociología-neurociencia. (Affective Neurosciences: Society seen from the individual. An approximation to the sociology-neuroscience bond). In: Sociológica, Año 34, no. 96, enero-abril.

  • García-Andrade, A./Sabido, O. (2018): The invisible ties We share. A relational analysis of the contemporary loving couple. In A. García-Andrade/L. Gunnarsson/A. Jónasdóttir (eds) Feminism and the Power of Love. Interdisciplinary Interventions. London: Routledge.

  • Sabido, O./García-Andrade, A. (2018): In the name of love: a relational approach to young people’s relationships in urban Mexico. In: Juvonen, T./Kolehmainen, M. (eds) Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships. London: Routledge.

  • García Andrade, A./Sabido, O. (2017): El estudio sociológico del amor corporeizado: la construcción de un objeto de estudio entrelazando teorías y niveles analíticos. (The sociological study of embodied love: the construction of a scientific object linking theories and analytical levels). In: Estudios Sociológicos XXXV, 105, 653-675.

  • García Andrade, A./Sabido Ramos, O. (2016): Los amantes y su mundo una propuesta teórico metodológica. (Lovers and their world: a theoretical and methodological approach). In: M. Pozas/M. Saavedra (eds) Disonancias y resonancias conceptuales: Investigaciones en teoría social y su función en la observación empírica. CDMX: El Colegio de México.

  • García Andrade, A. (2015): El amor como problema sociológico. (Love as a sociological problem). In: Acta Sociológica. Vol. 66, Enero-abril, 35-60.

  • García Andrade, A. (2014): Dibujando los contornos del amor. Cuatro regiones científicas. In: Cuerpo y afectividad en la sociedad contemporánea. Algunas rutas del amor y la experiencia sensible en las ciencias sociales. (Body and Affectivity in Contemporary Society. Sensible Experience and Some Paths of Love in the Social Sciences). UAM-A, Mexico. ISBN 978-607-28-0261-2.

  • García-Andrade, A./Gunnarsson, L./Jónasdóttir, A. G. (eds). (2018): Feminism and the Power of Love. Interdisciplinary Interventions. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781138710054 (hbk), 9781315200798 (ebk)

  • García Andrade, A. (2013): Giddens y Luhmann: ¿opuestos o complementarios? La teoría de la acción en la sociología. UAM-A, México. ISBN 978-607-477-112-1

Areas of Expertise:

  • Epistemology and Theory in Sociology
  • Sociology of Love
  • Sociology of Emotions
  • Relations Between Sociology of Emotions and Affective Neurosciences

Current Position(s):

  • Sociology Professor at the Sociology Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco (UAM)
  • Co-convenor of the International Feminist Love Studies Network

Past Position(s)

  • Undergraduate Director for the BA in Sociology UAM-A from 2006-2008

Prizes & Awards:

  • Funded Research Project: Cuerpo y afectividad en la sociedad contemporánea. Una aproximación desde la sociología. [Co-director with Dr Olga Sabido Ramos] English Title: Body and Affectivity in Contemporary Society. A Sociological Approach. 2010-2013, funded by CONACyT (No. 106627, 2010-2013)
  • 2007 – First Class Honours Prize. Awarded by UAM- I.
  • 2002 – Textbook Prize for ‘Teoría Sociológica Contemporánea: un debate inconcluso’ (Contemporary Sociological Theory: An Unfinished Debate). Awarded by UAM-A.

Memberships & Networks:

  • Vice-president of the Research Comittee 33 “Logic and Methodology” International Sociological Association
  • Co-convener and Member of the International Network on Feminist Love Studies
  • Member of the Love and Feminist Theory del International Collegium Gexcel
  • Member of RENISCE (National Network of Researchers on Socio-cultural Studies of Emotions)
  • Member of SNI (National System of Researchers)
  • International Feminist Love Studies Network (http://feministlovestudies.azc.uam.mx/)
  • Part of CONACYT (National Council on Science and Technology)