
Nkemjika Nora Andy

  • Role in Center:

    Alumni - Doctoral Fellow

  • Discipline:


  • University:

    University of Nigeria

  • Country:


Biography: Nkemjika is from Kaduna State, Nigeria. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Architecture from the University of Nigeria. She is currently a lecturer at the Department of Architecture, University of Nigeria and a member of the Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria (RAESON). Her research interests include Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Needs Assessment, Housing and Sustainable Design. She is especially interested in researching means of improving Nigerians’ living standards through housing affordability and sustainable livelihood, which led her to embark on a course on Developing Social Housing Projects at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, in November 2019. Her current research projects are “Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Architecture Studio Spaces” and “Sustainable Designs for Low-Income Housing in Nigeria”. She is happily married with a daughter and resides in Enugu state, Nigeria. Research Topic: Developing a Template for Sustainable Social Housing in Enugu City, Nigeria.

Selected Publications:

  • Anih, E. K./Sam-Amobi C./Okere C. E./ Odoh P. E./ Andy N. N./ Onubeze I. P./Ugwu, C. C. (2020): Design Adaptability as a Tool for Achieving Affordable Housing in Developing Economies. International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Development (ICSID), Covenant University, Nigeria. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/640/1/012008

  • Ahih, E. K./Andy N. N./Sam-Amobi C./Mba E. J./Ugwu, C. C./Odoh P. E./Okere, C. E. (2017): An Assessment of Waste Disposal and Management in the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (U.N.E.C.). Journal of Environmental Management and Safety, Centre for Environmental Population Activities. 8(1), 45-57.

  • Anih E. K./Andy N. N./Sam-Amobi C./Mbah E. J./Ugwu C. C. (2016): A Preliminary Investigation into Introducing Solar Energy into the U.N.E.C. Energy Mix: Problems and Prospects. Renewable Energy in the National Energy Mix – 2016 RAESON Annual Conference Proceedings, 55-62. ISSN: 2006-0394.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Post-Occupancy Evaluation
  • Needs Assessment
  • Sustainable Design
  • Housing

Prizes & Awards:

  • Award for the best graduating student, from the Department of Architecture, University of Nigeria. Date of Award: June 2010.
  • Award for the best graduating student, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Nigeria. Date of Award: June 2010

Memberships & Networks:

  • Member, Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria (RAESON)
  • Associate Member, Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA)