
Emmanuel Emmanuel Shemaghembe

  • Role in Center:

    Junior Researcher

  • Discipline:

    Social Sciences (Sociology)

  • University:

    University of Dar es Salaam

  • Country:


Biography: Emmanuel is a Sociologist by training with a Bachelors and a Masters Degree from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. His areas of specialisation are (Gender, Marriage, Family, Religion and Urbanisation). He has always been influenced by Marxian Political Economy theory but is also open to applying other theoretical perspectives in his research. From 2007 to 2008 Emmanuel worked as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Dar es Salaam.
He has also been involved in several research projects and consultancies at his department and as a private consultant. Emmanuel has co-authored and published a number of articles and hopes to further his educational training through the GCSMUS programme.

Research Topic: Changing Urbanisation and its Implications on the Religious Modes of Lives. Some Reflections from the Relationship between Muslims-Christians. Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania.

Selected Publications:

  • Shemaghembe, E. (2013): Consumption and acceptability of whole grain staples for lowering markers of diabetes risk among overweight and obese Tanzanian adults. Globalisation and Health. DOI: 10.1186/1744-8603-9-26 PMID: 23800295 PMCID: PMC3704955.

  • Lema, G.A./ Sigallah, H. L./ Sambaiga, R./Simon, V./Shemaghembe E. (2015): “Political ecology of tourism & livelihood in Zanzibar”, Sustainability, Tourism and Africa: A natural link, Thematic proceedings of ATLAS Africa Conferences, Volume 9. Edited by René van der Duim, Guido Klep, Evangelia Konstantinidou, Wilber Ahebwa.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Gender and Family
  • Urbanization and Religion
  • Sexuality
  • Social Policy and Administration.

Current Position(s):

  • Assistant Lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam

Prizes & Awards:

  • Masters of Sociology Staff Development Award: 2006-2009

Memberships & Networks:

  • UDSM ALUMNI 2003/2006