
Dana Dyussenova

  • Role in Center:

    Junior Researcher

  • Discipline:

    Architecture, Urban Planning

  • University:

    K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University

  • Country:


Biography: Dyssenova Dana is an architect from Kazakhstan. She received her Technical-designer diploma from the Almaty College of Construction and Management with a project entitled “Shopping and Entertainment center using a winter garden”. She also has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urban Planning, where she worked on a project on the “Crematorium in the city of Almaty”.
Dana is currently working towards graduating in May 2021 from her Master programme at the Kazakh National Research Technical University. She is working on a project on “Typological features of the design of ritual buildings and structures in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Dana speaks fluent Russian, Kazakh, Chinese, English Pre-Intermediate and German A2.

Research Topic: Organization of crematoriums is one of the directions of implementing the principles of sustainable community development and improving the environmental protection system

Selected Publications:

  • Dyussenova, D. G. (2020): The Creation of a Stylistic Image of the Crematorium Building. Dyussenova DG, Samoilov KI 2. Наука и образование сегодня, 76.

  • Dyussenova, D. G./Samoilov, K. I. (2020): Creator in Kazachstan – Myth, or Reality? Наука и образование сегодня, (4), 80-82.

  • Galymzhanovna, D. D./Ivanovich, S. K. (2020): Volume-planning Solution Building Creator. Наука и образование сегодня, (4 (51)).

Areas of Expertise:

  • Urban Planning
  • Architecture Teaching Methods in Higher Education
  • Sustainable Architecture
  • Green Building
  • Typological features of ritual buildings and structures

Prizes & Awards:

  • 2015-2018 Kazakh National Research Technical University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov. K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University Satbayev University – Bachelor Аrchitecture
  • 2nd place World Mas Wrestling Championship
  • Graduate student grant 2018-2019. Hangzhou Dianzi University