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Asst. Prof. Dr. Marta Brkovć Dodig

  • Role in Center:

    Network Partner

  • Discipline:


  • University:

    Union University

  • Country:


Biography: Dr. Marta Brković Dodig is an Assistant Professor in Architecture at Union University – Nikola Tesla, Serbia. She was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow during 2018-2020 at the Chair for Urban Design and Development at TU Berlin. She is also the Founding Director of the NGO ARQubator, which aims to tackle sustainability challenges through academia and local communities’ partnerships in a participatory fashion. Marta has worked as an architect with G+O Architekten in Munich (2015/16) and at M-House Design in Belgrade (since 2010). She has experience as a Principal Investigator (150.500E) and a partner on research projects (3.960.000E). She has been hosted at both academic institutions (Michigan State University, The University of Sheffield, TU Berlin, TU Munich, Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and in architectural practices through the “knowledge – transfer partnership” (Building Design Partnership Sheffield). Additionally, she is skilled at evaluating projects’ impacts and working as an expert consultant.

Selected Publications:

  • Brković Dodig, M./Groat, L. (eds.) (2019): Routledge Companion for Games in Architecture and Urban Planning: tools for design, teaching, and research. London: Routledge.

  • Brković Dodig, M./Klepp, S./Million, A. (2020): Cultural Heritage as Built Environment Education Resource: Pupils and teachers evaluating learning within Lost Traces project. In: Education Applications and Development V, (ed.) Carmo, M., Lisbon: InScience Press, 257–272.

  • Radić, M./Brković Dodig, M./Auer, T. (2019): Green Facades and Living Walls — A Review Establishing the Classification of Construction Types and Mapping the Benefits. Sustainability, 11 (17). https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/17/4579

  • Brković Dodig, M. (2017): Built Environment Education for Children: Museums in Focus. Urban Design and Planning, 171 (1), 13–24. https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/10.1680/jurdp.16.00014

  • Brković, M./Pons, O./Parnell, R. (2015): Where sustainable school meets the “third teacher”:  Primary school case study from Spain. International Journal of Architectural Research, 9 (2), 77–97.  http://www.archnet-ijar.net/index.php/IJAR/article/view/539/pdf_52

  • Brković, M. (2015): Architecture of primary schools in Serbia in the 21st century: A critical appraisal. Improving Schools, 18 (2), 185–199.

  • Brković, M./Parnell, R. (2016): Schools as the ‘third teacher’ for sustainability education. In: Education, Space and Urban Planning: Education as a component of the city, (eds.) Coelen, T/Heinrich, J.A./Million, A. Berlin: Springer VS, 79–90. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319389974

  • Brković Dodig, M./Klepp, S./Million, A. (2019): Built environment education for young people: Architects and urban planners using cultural heritage as a learning resource. Proceedings of Education and New Developments. Porto, 1, 247–251.

  • Brković, M./Chiles, P. (2016): Spector – The Sustainability Inspector. Participatory teaching, learning and evaluation game for architects, architecture students and pupils. FACTA UNIVERSITATIS – Series Architecture and Civil Engineering, 14 (1), 1–20.  http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUArchCivEng/article/view/1530

  • Brković, M. (2013): Sustainable schools as the ‘third teacher’: Creating a design framework for sustainable schools in Serbia, learning from practices in England, Germany, and Spain. University of Sheffield. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/4513

Areas of Expertise:

  • Built Environment Education
  • Spatial Pedagogy
  • Sustainable/Learning Environments Design
  • Participation
  • Games in Architecture and Urban Planning

Current Position(s):

  • Assistant Professor, Architecture, Union University Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Urban Design and Urban Development, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Founding Director, NGO ARQubator

Past Position(s)

  • Postdoctoral fellow, Chair of Building Technology and Climate-Friendly Building, TU Munich
  • Architect, G+O Architekten, Munich
  • Architect, M-House Design, Belgrade

Prizes & Awards:

  • Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship, “Built Environment Education for Children – International Policy and Practice” Chair for Urban Design and Development, Institute for City and Regional Planning, Technical University Berlin, Germany
  • Civil Society Scholar Award, Open Society Foundation. “Educational potential of climate-friendly schools: Architects, educationalists, and pupils exploring sustainability and climate change lessons” host: School of Architecture and School of Education TU Munich
  • Weiser Professional Development Award, Fulbright Commission Poland. “Research and design methods in architecture schools: Educational benefits of opening up studios at architecture schools and engaging wider population” host: Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning, The University of Michigan
  • Robert’s Fund – Knowledge Transfer Partnership. “Participatory post-occupancy evaluation of Silverdale Secondary School” host: Building Design Partnership (BDP), Sheffield Office, Sheffield, UK
  • Santander Research Award. “How sustainable is your school – Primary school case study from Barcelona, Spain” host: School of Architecture, Polytechnic University Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain