
Assoc. Prof. Binitha V Thampi

  • Role in Center:

    Advanced Researcher

  • Discipline:

    Development Studies

  • University:

    Indian Institute of Technology Madras

  • Country:


Biography: Binitha V Thampi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), Chennai. She has a background in Development Studies and researches in the broad area of Gender and Development. She has published several papers in international journals and authored (with J. Devika) a book titled New Lamps for Old: Gender Paradoxes of Political Decentralization in Kerala (New Delhi: Zubaan). Her recent research focuses on Gender and Labour Geography, which examines the interplay between gender, labour, place, and space in the emergent neo-liberal context of India. 

Selected Publications:

  • Prasad, V./Thampi, B.V. (2021): Gender Ideology and Gendered Political Dynamics Shaping Electoral Fortunes of Women Politicians in Kerala, India, Women’s Studies International Forum, 84(2021), 102-437.

  • Thampi, B. V./Kawlra, A. (2019): An experiment in Feminist Technology in Local Governance: Revisiting the Question of ‘Invited Spaces’ of Participation in Kerala, Review of Development and Change 24(2), 205-223.

  • Thampi, B.V./Kawlra, A. and Devika, J. (forthcoming): ‘Invited spaces’ and ‘invented spaces’: Transforming descriptive representation to substantive representation among women presidents at the local-level in Kerala, India. In Feminist Visions of the Network Society, Anita Gurumurthy (ed.). Zubaan, New Delhi. 

  • Luke, N./Xu, H./Thampi, B.V. (2015): Husbands’ Participation in Housework and Child Care in India. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(3), 620-63. 

  • Thampi, B. V. (2014). Risk Society through a Gender Lens: Some Reflections. Journal of Social Discourse, 2(02).

  • Williams, G./Thampi, B.V. (2013): Decentralisation and the changing geographies of political marginalization in Kerala. Environment and Planning A 45(6), 1337-1357. DOI:10.1068/a45218. 

  • Devika, J./Thampi, B.V. (2012): Beyond Feminine Public Altruism: Women Leaders in Kerala’s Urban Bodies. Economic and Political Weekly 47(17), 76-83.

  • Devika, J./Thampi, B.V. (2012): Beyond Feminine Public Altruism: Women Leaders in Kerala’s Urban Bodies. In: Decentralisation and Local Governments: The Indian Experience, Raghunandan, T. R. (ed.). Orient Black Swan, New Delhi. 

  • Williams G./Thampi B.V./Narayana, D./Nandigama, S./Bhattacharyya, D. (2012): The Politics of Defining and Alleviating Poverty: State Strategies and their Impacts in Rural Kerala. Geoforum. 43(5): 991-1001. DOI:10.1016/j.geoforum.2012.06.001. 

Areas of Expertise:

  • Gender and Development
  • Gender and Migration
  • ICTs for Development
  • Decentralised Planning and Governance
  • Urbanisation and Spatial Transformations

Current Position(s):

  • Since 2016: Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

Past Position(s)

  • 2016-2017: Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
  • 2010-2016: Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India 
  • 2008-2010: Research Associate with the Department of Town and Regional Planning, The University of Sheffield, UK

Prizes & Awards:

  • Fulbright Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship, Women’s and Gender Studies

Memberships & Networks:

  • The Development Studies Association (DSA) 
  • International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)