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Assoc. Prof. Inês Martina Lersch

  • Role in Center:

    Scientific Leader at Core Partner Institution

  • Discipline:

    Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning

  • University:

    Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Core Partner Institution

  • Country:


Biography: Associate Professor Inês Martina Lersch has a degree in Architecture e Urbanist (1998) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, a Master’s (2003) from the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering at UFRGS and a PhD (2014) from the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning at UFRGS. She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture (since 2006), where she works as the Coordinator of the Urbanism Department (since 2019). She is also a Professor and Researcher at the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning at UFRGS (since 2015). She is accredited to advise on Academic Masters and Doctorate courses. Associate Professor Lersch also has experience working in Architecture and Urbanism, where she primarily focuses on urban planning, planning history, and heritage.

Working title of research proposal: “Social Housing in Central Areas and Participatory Planning: The City of Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil”.

Selected Publications:

  • Mollerke, S./Miron, L. I. G./Lersch, I. M. (2021): Metodologia de análise da retórica em projetos urbanos de concursos: estudo de caso no acervo de arquitetura de concursos: período de 2006 a 2016 | Methodology for rhetorical analysis in urban project contests: a case study in an architecture collection of competition entries: from 2006 to 2016. OCULUM ENSAIOS, v. 18, p. 1-17.

  • Mello, B. C. E./Lersch, I. M./Finger, B. B./Machado, H. S. (2020): Extensión, asesoramiento técnico y vivienda popular: Vila Nazaré y la ocupación del Pueblo Sin Miedo de Porto Alegre. Revista de Extension Universitaria E+, v. 1, p. 1/12-12.

  • Mello, B. C. E./Lersch, I. M./Silva, H. M. (2020): Práticas Urbanas Emergentes: extensão para formação crítica, participativa, solidária e cidadã. In: Escola Livre de Arquitetura. (Org.). ELO. 1ed.Porto Alegre: ELA Escola Livre de Arquitetura, v. 1, p. 32-39.

  • Maia, M. C./Lersch, I. M. (2018): Heritage value attribution: the case of Sítio Alagadiço Novo, Fortaleza, Ceará. In: 18th International Planning History Society Conference, 2018, Yokohama. Looking at the World History Planning. Yokohama, v. 1. p. 1015-1025.

  • Lersch, I. M. (2016): The presence of the Germanic ideas about urbanism at the School of Engineering from Porto Alegre, Brazil (1896/1930). In: 17th International Planning History Society Conference, Delft, Holanda. History – Urbanismo – Resilience. Delft, Holanda: TU Delft Open Books, 2016. v. 2. p. 343-352.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Urban Planning
  • Planning History
  • Architecture and Urban Heritage

Current Position(s):

  • Associate Professor at Architecture Faculty/UFRGS
  • Coordinator of the Urbanism Department

Prizes & Awards:

  • Honorable Mention Capes Thesis Award, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Brazil, 2015