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SMUS INDIA 2023 – Photos & Videos

The “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” (GCSMUS or SMUS) together with the Research Committee on “Logic and Methodology in Sociology” (RC33) of the “International Sociology Association” (ISA) and the Research Network “Quantitative Methods” (RN21) of the European Sociology Association” (ESA) have organized the 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (“SMUS Conference”), which was simultaneously the “3rd RC33 Regional Conference Asia: India”, and take place on site at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee, India) from Monday, February 20th, to Sunday, February 26th, 2023.

The six-day conference aimed at continuing a global dialogue on methods and attracted methodologists from all over the world and all social and spatial sciences (e. g. anthropology, area studies, architecture, communication studies, computational sciences, digital humanities, educational sciences, geography, historical sciences, humanities, landscape planning, philosophy, psychology, sociology, urban design, urban planning, traffic planning and environmental planning). The conference programme included keynotes, sessions and advanced methodological training courses.

To get an insight into the conference, photos of the respective days and videos of the conference can be viewed below. All credits of the images belong to SMUS India.


Conference Day 1 (PhD Day)

Conference Day 2 (Advanced Methods Courses)

Conference Day 3 (Advanced Methods Courses)

Conference Day 4 (Main Conference)

Conference Day 5 (Main Conference)

Conference Day 6 (Main Conference)

SMUS India 2023: Inaugural Ceremony and Keynote

SMUS India 2023: Closing Ceremony and Keynote