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SMUS Brazil 2022 Conference – Call for Abstracts

2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference) &
1st RC33 Regional Conference “Latin America: Brazil” in cooperation with ESA RN21 “Quantitative Methods”

08‒10.09.2022, Online-Conference hosted by the University of São Paulo (Brazil)

List of Accepted Sessions



Call for Abstracts

Dear Colleagues,

We hereby invite you to submit an abstract for the “2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” (“SMUS Conference”), which will simultaneously be the “1st RC33 Regional Conference “Latin America: Brazil” in cooperation with ESA RN21 “Quantitative Methods”, and take place online at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) from Thursday, September 8th, to Saturday, September 10th, 2022.

About the Conference

The “Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability” (GCSMUS or SMUS) together with the Research Committee on “Logic and Methodology in Sociology” (RC33) of the “International Sociology Association” (ISA), and the Research Network “Quantitative Methods” (RN21) of the “European Sociology Association” (ESA) will organize the “2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (“SMUS Conference”), which will simultaneously be the “1st RC33 Regional Conference Latin America: Brazil”, and take place online at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) from Thursday, September 8th, to Saturday, September 10th, 2022. The three-day conference aims at continuing a global dialogue on methods and should attract methodologists from all over the world and all social and spatial sciences (e. g. anthropology, area studies, architecture, communication studies, computational sciences, digital humanities, educational sciences, geography, historical sciences, humanities, landscape planning, philosophy, psychology, sociology, urban design, urban planning, traffic planning and environmental planning). The online conference programme will include keynotes, sessions and advanced methodological training courses. With this intention, we invite scholars of all social and spatial sciences and other scholars who are interested in methodological discussions to suggest an abstract to any sessions of the conference. All papers have to address a methodological problem.

Conference Sessions:

    1. Ethnography as Spatial-Temporal Method
    2. The Longue Durée in the 21st-Century Social Sciences: Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Long-Term Social Processes
    3. Historical Methods in Grappling with the Global South Challenges in the 21st Century
    4. Political Ecology of the “Urban”: Historical and Situated Perspectives
    5. Decolonizing Social Science Methodology
    6. Co-Production (of Knowledge) as Pathway to Decolonization of Knowledge in the Global South
    7. From Living Labs to Sites of Unity: Decolonizing Urban Experiments with Planetary Futures
    8. Hybrid Mapping and Critical Cartography as Research Methodologies for Cities
    9. Mapping as an Applied Spatial Research Method for Urban Landscape Design and Planning
    10. Mapping Actor-Constellations in Sustainability Research: How Can we Account for Heterogeneity and Invisibility?
    11. Bridging the Gap of Computational (Structural) and Hermeneutic Approaches in Discourse Analysis
    12. Digitization and Infrastructuring of Qualitative Research – On the Debate about the Potentials and Risks of Archiving and Re-Using Qualitative Research Data
    13. Looking Beyond Twitter Data: Methodical Challenges of Unconventional Large Digital Datasets
    14. Methods and Methodologies of Multi-Sited and Multi-Scalar Research
    15. Migration, Mobilities, and Displacement in the “Global South”
    16. Mobile Methods and Sociospatial Inequalities
    17. Methodological Implications of Intersectional Inequality Research
    18. Spatial Methods in Transdisciplinarity for Urban Sustainability
    19. Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research in Urban Sustainability Projects
    20. Navigating between Social Sciences and Spatial Planning – Methods as an Ambiguous Concept
    21. Social Responsibility and/ or Community Engagement Applied for Collaborative Research and Mutual Learning
    22. Studying Urban Planning and Governance Through Qualitative Approaches: Perspectives from Various Spatial Contexts
    23. Urban Planning and Design Contribution to Understanding the Socio-Spatial Dynamic of Place and Memory
    24. How to Establish Effective Methodologies for Construction of Inclusive Spaces through Land Use Planning in a Pluriverse Latin American Context?
    25. Methodological Weaknesses in Approaching Affordable Housing in the Global South – Need for Context-Responsive Approaches
    26. Dialogues on Social Housing
    27. Applying Spatial Methods in Homelessness Studies: Methodological and Ethical Challenges
    28. Spatial Dynamics of Violence: Qualitative Methodologies and Discussions
    29. Analysing Forms of Violence and their Spatial Forms
    30. Spatial Methods in Healthcare Research
    31. Methods of Transnational Organisational and Economic Research
    32. Methods in Food Studies Research



Submission of Abstracts

All sessions must adhere to the rules of session organization comprised in the RC33 statutes and GCSMUS Objectives (see below). If you are interested in presenting a paper in at maximum two of the SMUS Brazil 2022 sessions (including joint papers), please submit an English-language abstract containing the following information to SMUS Brazil 2022 via https://smusbrazil2022.sinteseeventos.com.br between 01.04.2022 and 13.06.2022:

  • Title of (at maximum two) preferred session(s)
  • Paper title
  • Author(s) (= name(s), gender(s), institutional affiliation(s), position(s), country(ies), email address(es))
  • 300- to 500-Word Abstract (= short description of the proposed paper. The abstract should make explicit (i) the methodological problem addressed, (ii) why this is relevant, (iii) how the paper relates to the session, and (iv) what the general line of argument will be.)

The conference organizers will inform you by 31.07.2022 if your proposed paper has been accepted for presentation at the conference. For further information please see the SMUS Brazil 2022 conference website or contact us by e-mail on smusbrazil2022@usp.br.

Please also kindly forward this call to anybody to whom it might be of interest.

Best wishes,

Fraya Frehse
GCSMUS Brazil Lead Partner
University of São Paulo



Nina Baur

GCSMUS Speaker & RC33 Past President
Technische Universität Berlin


Rules for Session Organization
(According to GCSMUS Objectives and RC 33 Statutes)

1. There will be no conference fees.

2. The conference language is English, although some of the activities are going to be simultaneously translated into Portuguese. All papers therefore need to be presented in English.

3. All sessions have to be international: Each session should have speakers from at least two countries (exceptions will need good reasons).

4. Each paper must contain a methodological problem (any area, qualitative or quantitative).

5. There will be several calls for abstracts via the GCSMUS, RC33 and RN21 Newsletters. To begin with, session organizers can prepare a call for abstracts on their own initiative, then at a different time, there will be a common call for abstracts, and session organizers can ask anybody to submit a paper.

6. GCSMUS, RC33 and RN21 members may distribute these calls via other channels. GCSMUS members and session organizers are expected to actively advertise their session in their respective scientific communities.

7. Speakers can only have one talk per session. This also applies for joint papers. It will not be possible for A and B to present at the same time one paper as B and A during the same session. This would just extend the time allocated to these speakers.

8. Session organizers may present a paper in their own session.

9. Sessions will have a length of 90 minutes with a maximum of 4 papers or a length of 120minutes with a maximum of 6 papers. Session organizers can invite as many speakers as they like. The number of sessions depends on the number of papers submitted to each session: for example, if 12 good papers are submitted to a session, there will be two sessions with a length of 90 minutes each with 6 papers in each session.

10. Papers may only be rejected for the conference if they do not present a methodological problem (as stated above), are not in English or are somehow considered by session organizers as not being appropriate or relevant for the conference. Session organizers may ask authors to revise and resubmit their paper so that it fits these requirements. If session organizers do not wish to consider a paper submitted to their session, they should inform the author and forward the paper to the local organizing team who will find a session where the paper fits for presentation.

11. Papers directly addressed to the conference organising committee, suggesting a session. The conference organizers will check the formal rules and then offer the paper to the session organizer of the most appropriate session. The session organizers will have to decide on whether or not the paper can be included in their session(s). If the session organizers think that the paper does not fit into their session(s), the papers has to be sent back to the confer- ence organizing committee as soon as possible so that the committee can offer the papers to another session organizer.