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*Extended Deadline: 03.07.2023* SMUS Action 3: Post-Doctoral Research – Call for Applications

SMUS Action 3 ‒ “Evaluate”: Post-Doctoral Research

Given the diversity and inherent complexity of the themes contained within the targets of the SDG #11, which are underlain by as well as directly concerned with “the urban”, conceiving academic work and conducting research turns out to be pivotal to enable the critical evaluation of the numerous challenges encountered throughout the various world regions when it comes to furthering urban sustainability.
Against this backdrop, in SMUS Action 3 Step 3, a second round of Post-Doctoral and Researcher Scholarships are offered for post-doctoral researchers at different stages of career development. While the scholarships will be awarded in 2023, scholarship recipients will only begin activities between 1 January and 31 October 2024. More specifically, the scholarships are aimed at enabling a minimum of 3 post-doctoral researchers (Track A) and a minimum of 3 advanced researchers/junior professors/lecturers (Track B) from partner universities to complete a research stay at a SMUS partner university of their choice. To encourage knowledge transfer and the transition towards scientific-academic autonomy, both south-to-south and south-to-north collaborations are strongly encouraged. Moreover, the scholarship will only be awarded to applicants who plan to submit their research proposal to a research grant institution.
This Call has been prepared by Action 3 Speakers Prof. Dr. Angela Million and Dr. Ignacio Castillo Ulloa. If you require any further information or clarification, please write to: i.castilloulloa@tu-berlin.de

Deadline 03.07.2023