Gender Inclusive Urban Spaces

INDIA, Chennai

Gender Inclusive Urban Spaces: Issues and Questions

India, Chennai

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences In collaboration with:
Rima Mathew (media activist) and Benoy Peter, Centre for Migration and Inclusive Development (CMID)

This MOOC addresses the question of unbalanced and inequitable urbanisation in the Global South.
Participants of this MOOC will delve into conceptual questions concerning gender inclusivity in cities and the relations between urban infrastructure and exclusionary practices. They will be confronted with voices and narratives that are often sidelined in the urban planning process and develop an intersectional understanding of urbanisation mechanisms and processes.

SDG#11 Target:


MOOC Open Access

Hosting platform: SWAYAM
Access the course here
Please note: the course will start on 17 Februari 2025 and will run for 4 weeks (with a regular rerun in following semesters). The course is free to enrol and learn from. If you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by the instructors in person at any of the designated exam centres.

Watch the Playlist or watch a single lecture on YouTube:

Introduction: Gender Inclusive Urban Spaces Issues and Questions

Module 1.1: Gender Inclusive Urban Housing

Module 1.2: Women and the Urban Transport Systems

Module 2.1: Women and the Urban Labour Informal Market

Module 2.2: Migrant Women Workers in Urban Centres

Module 3.2: Cities and the Marginalization of Sexual Minorities

Module 3.3: Women and Urban Resettlement Programs

Module 4.1: Women Leaders in Urban Governance

Module 4.3: Engendering Urban Sustainability and Livelihood Programs

Lead Partner


Rima Mathew
Benoy Peter