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Climate Change Adaptation


Climate Change Adaptation in Indonesian Cities:
Promoting and Building Resilience from Below

Indonesia, Semarang

Diponegoro University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning In collaboration with:
Inisiatif Kota untuk Perubahan Iklim (IKUPI), Kota Kita Foundation, and Bintari Foundation

This MOOC addresses the increasing vulnerability to natural hazards of coastal urban populations in Java due to the impact of climate change.
Participants of this MOOC will critically address the emerging problems and their mainly top-down approach to CC adaptation. They will learn about solutions at the community level and how through the operationalization of “resilience from below”, citizens become “agents of change” and actively cultivate a climate change resilience culture.

SDG #11 Target:

MOOC Open Access

Hosting platform: UNDIP MOOCs Platform

Watch the Playlist of the Modules or watch a  single one on YouTube:

Lead Partner

Dr. Iwan Rudiatro

Dr. Iwan Rudiarto

Urban and Regional Planning


Wiwandari Handayani, Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Anang Wahyu Sejati, Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Tia Dianing Insani, Department of Urban and Regional Planning