
The Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS or SMUS) together with the Research Committee on Logic and Methodology in Sociology (RC33) of the International Sociology Association (ISA), the Research Network Quantitative Methods (RN21) of the European Sociology Association (ESA), and the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University will organize the 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (“SMUS Conference”), which will simultaneously be the 4th RC33 Regional Conference Asia: Thailand, and take place on site at the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand) from Tuesday, July 23rd, to Monday, July 29th, 2024.

The conference programme will include keynotes, sessions, advanced methodological training courses, Ph.D. workshops and a social programme. The main conference days will be 26.07. – 28.07.2024. There will be travel grants SMUS members and scholars from Southeast Asia can apply for.

The seven-day conference aims at continuing a global dialogue on methods and should attract methodologists from all over the world and all social and spatial sciences (e. g. anthropology, area studies, architecture, urban design, urban planning, traffic planning and environmental planning, communication studies, computational sciences, digital humanities, educational sciences, geography, historical sciences, humanities, landscape planning, philosophy, political sciences, psychology, sociology). With this intention, we invite scholars from diverse disciplines including social and spatial sciences and other scholars who are interested in methodological discussions to join our conference.


SMUS Thailand, Chulalongkorn University

SMUS Thailand is hosted by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University (Chula). Founded in 1917, Chula was named after King Rama V and is Thailand’s first institution of higher education. Located in the heart of Bangkok, the university comprises of 20 faculties, 23 colleges and research institutes, with more than 8,000 faculty members and 38,000 students. Chula represents Thailand in the World’s Top 100 Universities for Best Academic Reputation from QS World University Rankings 2021. It is also recognized as one of the Top 50 in Asia.

As a urban-based university, Chula is ranked first in Asia and 23rd in the world for overall city-centre sustainability campus based on the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021.