Session 21

SMUSI_21- Methods of Transnational Organisational and Economic Research

Supply shortages caused by economic or political crises, environmental disasters or even the Corona pandemic demonstrate clearly that value creation processes and logistics chains all over the world are interrelated and interdependent. Value processes and commodity chains represent an extremely important and challenging area of research as value chains connect (economically active) organisations with each other: transnationally and across political and geographical borders. This includes creating economic and organisational connections between countries and regions of the global South and those of the global North. It raises questions about methods of case selection, data collection and analysis of transnational organisational structures and value chains. The organisational and also spatial consideration of global economic contexts takes place in various academic fields. Thus, theoretical as well as methodological perspectives can be found in economic and political science, geography, sociology, ethnography, anthropology, or even history. We, therefore, hope to receive submissions from a wide range of disciplines. Expected Papers: Papers should address one of the following questions either at a general methodological level or by using a concrete example of a specific research project: (1) Which data are suitable for which kind of research questions, and how can they be collected? How valid are results drawn from the different kinds of data? (2) Where and how can data be collected? Which sampling strategies can be applied, and how does it affect the generalization of results? (3) When and why is it useful to use a mixed-method- or multi-method-approach? And which data collection and analysing methods fit best? What are the challenges the researcher might face? (4) What are the further challenges and opportunities of transnational value chain research? Papers debating general methodological questions and reports discussing specific problems using a concrete data type in a specific research project are both equally welcome.