SMUS Brazil Zoom Technical Guidelines
Please, find attached below the Technical Guidelines for the Zoom meeting application, which will be used for all activities during the Conference:
1. How do I use Zoom to take part in SMUS Brazil activities?
2. When will the “2st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (‘SMUS Conferece‘) & 1st RC33 Regional Conference ‘Latin America: Brazil’ in cooperation with ESA RN21 ‘Quantitative Methods’“ take place?
3. Where will I be able to access activities on the day of the event?
4. What time zone will be used for the virtual conference?
5. How will the conference program be?
6. How much does it cost the participation in the conference?
7. Will there be a certificate of participation?
8. What will be the official language for the presentations?
9. I will be presenting during the conference, is there any specific format I should use for my presentation?
10. When will I receive the instructions for attending the virtual conference?
11. Can my computer or mobile device handle the virtual conference?
12. Who do I contact if I have any further questions?