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Why do we need a GLOBAL network of discourse on social science methodology and what difference can such a network make in the implementation of SDG#11? Can SMUS push for this transformative change with its global partners, by drawing attention away from metric indicators, and towards adding more qualitative methods for producing disaggregated data on inequality in all its forms and interplays?

Welcome – Mr. Sherif Azab-Els – DAAD- German Academic Exchange Service (virtual) (5 minutes)
Introduction to the SMUS Center – Prof. Dr. Nina Baur and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Million, SMUS Directors
Photo slide show of SMUS PhD Programme
The current SMUS PhD Programme. Experiences of the SMUS PhD Programme – Ms. Hajar Nourredine, Ms. Mina Radić, Mr. Boniface Nevanji Bwanyire and Mr. Caio Moraes Reis
SMUS Discussion and Outlook – Moderated by Prof. Dr. Angela Million, SMUS Director, Input by the 3 lead partners – Prof. Dr. Gabriel Faimau, University of Botswana; Prof. Dr. Fraya Frehse, University of Sāo Paulo, Brazil; Prof. Dr. Gaurav Raheja, IIT Roorkee, India; Asst.Prof.Dr. Marta Brkovic Dodig, Union University Nikola Tesla/NGO Arqubator, Serbia; Prof. Heba Safey Eldeen, MISR International University, Egypt; Dr. Langtone Maunganidze, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe; Prof. Dr. Martin Blas Orduna, Ministerio de Transporte, Argentina

As part of the evening’s programme the center’s three Lead partners and Action speakers were invited to send videos of themselves responding to three-set questions.

The questions were:

Question 1
Why do we need a GLOBAL network of discourse on social science methodology and what difference can such a network make in the implementation of SDG#11? Can SMUS push for this transformative change with its global partners, by drawing attention away from metric indicators, and towards adding more qualitative methods for producing disaggregated data on inequality in all its forms and interplays?

Question 2
What are the main obstacles for bringing together research methods of the social sciences and research methods deployed in design disciplines, urban planning and policy making?

Question 3
What is the role of our Higher Education Institutions in better preparing the next generation of practitioners, politicians and researchers for the ongoing and upcoming socio-environmental polycrises?

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Faimau, University of Botswana

Prof. Dr. Fraya Frehse, University of Sāo Paulo, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Gaurav Raheja, IIT Roorkee, India