Action 1 – International Conference

Sharing and reflecting on outcomes of five years of collaborative research


The 5th International SMUS Conference will be hosted in Berlin (2029) to discuss the outcomes of the Actions. The conference will facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas using interactive formats and offer a space to build and consolidate meaningful professional and personal connections for future research collaborations. It will bring together SMUS core and network partner universities, policymakers, and civil society to collaboratively address WUP through practice-led, transdisciplinary and spatial research approaches.

To highlight the explorations during the previous years, various publications will be launched, and public art-based research workshops will take place. A highlight of the conference will be a public exhibition organised by the SMUS Science Communication Hub, showcasing innovative approaches and insights gained by addressing WUP.

Action 1 – Educate (2020 -2024)

During Phase I (2020–2024), 4 SMUS partner institutions, the Research Committee on Logic and Methodology in Sociology (RC33) of the International Sociology Association (ISA), and the Research Network Quantitative Methods (RN21) of the European Sociology Association (ESA) contributed to the center’s goal of establishing a global platform for discourse on social science methodology that integrated scholars from the Global North and the Global South. This was done by co-hosting four highly successful international and interdisciplinary conferences on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability in Gaborone-Botswana (online, 2021), São Paulo-Brazil (online, 2022), Roorkee-India (2023), and Bangkok-Thailand (2024).

The SMUS Conferences brought together nearly 2,000 methodologists from around the world to explore the various targets of SDG 11 through qualitative or quantitative methodological problems via paper presentations, advanced methodological courses, PhD training days, and keynote addresses.


Action Speaker for Action 1

Prof. Dr. Nina Baur



Scientific Coordinator

Thando Tilmann b&w

Thando Tilmann


Action 1 Outputs – SMUS Conferences