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Built Environment Education

GLOBAL examples

Built Environment Education (BEE) for children and youth

GLOBAL examples from: Argentina, Benin, Bulgaria, Colombia, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, and Spain

Union University Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Serbia; Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany; and Misr International University (MIU), Cairo, Egypt

Built environment education is as multifaceted as its subject: the built, designed environment. It incorporates a broad field of activities, focuses and approaches to education such as environmental, architectural, design, and (visual) arts education, mostly for children and young people. All these types of learning activities for children and young people are linked by the use of buildings, places and spaces as topics and contexts for learning. The number of initiatives dedicated to teaching children and young people about architecture and the culture of building and planning has risen in the past 10 years. It has also become a more interdisciplinary movement, bringing together professionals from different fields such as architects, urban planners, landscape and environmental planners, pedagogues, and artists.

There are people all over the world working in the field of built environment education (BEE) for children. Their backgrounds and their ‘host’ organisations differ widely from education officers in museums, dedicated architecture centres and the wider cultural/third sector, through design and planning practitioners working either independently or via their professional bodies, to teachers in schools and kindergartens. In many cases, these practitioners work with little knowledge of others in the field, and they rarely have the opportunity to learn from these other experiences or to share their practice. The same is with students at universities, where education on BEE is not part of the curriculum of future teachers, architects, planners and other disciplines. The aim of the MOOC is to fill that gap.

SDG #11 Targets:

MOOC Open Access

Access the course here
Hosting platform: oncampus

Lead Partners


Sophie Dilg, TU Berlin

Dr. Anja Wipper, Peer-Olaf Kalis, David von Seyfried and others – Online Teaching Team TU Berlin



Magdalina Rajeva, Children architectural workshop, Sofia, Bulgaria


Jorge Raedó, Osa Menor, Conversaćion ANIDAR: Arquitectura y Niñez, amag: online architecture magazine for children


NGO House of Egyptian Architecture, Egypt association of Architects

Ayman Riad, Lecturer, Misr International University MIU and Technical University of Berlin TUB

Farah Gendy, Director of Activities, Architecture and Children WP

Karim Fahmy, The Knowledge Hub Universities, Coventry University

El Warsha Theatre Company (Abanoub Zakareya-the story teller)

Built Environment Education Lab BEE.Egypt

House of Egyptian Architecture, Culture Development Fund, Ministry of Culture Egypt

Khan Cultural Hub, El Gourna, West Bank, Luxor

Dr. Aya El-Kholy and Dr. Rana El-Refai, Child University, Ministry of Higher Education

Arch. Aliaa Kamal, German University in Cairo

Dr. Mennat-allah El-Husseiny, Cairo University


NGO Jugend Architektur Stadt e.V.

German National Committee for Monument Protection, Working Group Monument Education

Prof. Dr. Thomas Coelen from University of Siegen (tbc)

Stephanie Reiterer, Architektur und Schule Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Bayern e.V.


Dr. Somogyi Krisztina, Széchenyi István University, Győr


Marta Morelli and Stefania Napolitano, MAXXI Museum, Rome


NGO ABCity – Children & Urban Planning (tbc)

Shany Granek Isbi, ABCity


Micael Sousa, University of Coimbra


Mina Sava, De-a arhitectura, Bucharest


Milena Vasic, Mina Radic, Andjela Bajic, Ana Andrejevic, Tea Ostojic, Jana Borlja (student assistants), Union University Nikola Tesla, Belgrade

Marta Nikolic, pedagogy advisors, Theory of Arts and Media group, University of Arts, Belgrade

NGO ARQubator, Belgrade

NGO Archiplay


Albert Liang with BEEP Lab School of Design & Creativity


Samia Gallozi, Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (ENAU), University of Carthage

Fatma Kobbi Boussetta, Architecte, Consultante en Architecture, investissement immobilier, Membre de l’ordre des Architectes

Narjess Abdelghani, Alia Bel Haj Hammouda, Assistant Professors, National School of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Carthage

Dr. Chiraz Chtara, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Ibn Khaldoun University

International organisations:

PLAYCE, international association of architecture education (registered in Finland)

UIA International Union of Architects – Built Environment Education Network (registered in France)